Wherever I went, whenever I went, no matter for how long or with whom, I have always come to the point when I wanted to go back home.
The way home is not always easy. It can lead on a smooth and clean road or through an impassable wilderness. In an extreme summer heat or a hailstorm. You either look forward to it or you hate it. But when you finally open the door of your house and someone says for example “It’s about time!”, you know it was worth it.
Our summer topic for this year is the way home
and with it comes a summer contest.
Send us a few sentences about your way home. It is enough to add one photo, with your scooter or without it. And a small post on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #mywayhome and #kickbike. In the beginning of autumn, we will pick the best story and the writer will get a brand new Kickbike Cross FIX; a few other stories that we will find moving will be rewarded by some stuff by Oakley.
So, what was your way home like?
#mywayhome #kickbike
Rules of the #mywayhome contest
To participate in the contest, you need to send by September 30th 2020, 12am to the email address the following
A short story about what the way home means to you
One photography that illustrates your way home
Furthermore, you have to publish the photo at your Facebook or Instagram profile with hashtags #kickbike and #mywayhome
Once the contest is finished an independent jury of the Kickbike brand team members will choose the winner of the contest and the others who will be rewarded with the following prizes:
Prize – scooter Kickbike Cross FIX
Prize – cycling helmet Oakley DRT5
Prize - trail riding lesson with Ladislav Bartůněk
– 10. Prize – bidon and a cycling cap Kickbike.